
Guidance Work

Individual Counselling

Our school social workers provide individual counselling service for the students who are in need. They aim at helping students build positive values and develop a positive attitude towards their lives, enhancing their self-image and their self-confidence, and their abilities to face adversities and to manage their emotions.


Group Counselling

We develop a mentoring program called Big Brothers and Sisters to build students’ confidence and to develop their sense of responsibility by organizing exchanges with other schools and providing social services and group training. The Big Brothers and Sisters learn to serve and care about the S.1 newcomers. Furthermore, we help students build positive values and develop a positive attitude towards their lives by organizing a series of group activities, adventure training sessions, social services, workshops and drama performances for them.


Whole school activities

We organize S.1 Orientation Camp to help the newcomers to adapt to the new school life.


Taking care of the students who have special needs

We have formed a support group to meet the special education needs of some students and coordinated the support services in school. We hope that students with special education needs can improve in every aspect after participating in individual caring group, group training sessions, emotional or homework guidance groups.